EFM Elite: Meet Event Athlete Nick Shappee

EFM Elite: Meet Event Athlete Nick Shappee

The Elite program is a team of competitors from all walks of life who are pushing boundaries, embracing change, and living the #earthfedlife. Our Event Athletes have short-term sponsorships where we help them prepare for a specific competition. This allows us to support more athletes in more sports!

Meet Nick Shapee, Grid League athlete and super dad and our newest EFM Event Athlete.

How did you get into athletics?
I lived in Hawaii as a kid which only meant, stay outside and be an active kid. Played USA inline hockey which led to me wanting to be more than just an average kid on the team. I got into weight lifting around 10yo and after every workout my mom would feed me protein shakes. To my surprise I started noticing some juvenile gains. Fast forward to the East coast of South Carolina and many more years of lifting weights and protein shakes I got into high school wrestling. Graduated and earned a scholarship my second year wrestling D2 at Limestone university with a Strength and Conditioning major.

What do you do and who do you train with?
I am an athlete in a new sport called the. Drum roll please, Cue the smoke and fireworks.... UNITED GRID LEAGUE! Coed sport I do lots of wild athletic movements in from olympic weightlifting, gymnastics and a couple elements faster than the normal athlete. I am currently the captain and veteran player on the South West Florida Sharks in my 4th year in the league. I train out of my business Gunner Strength, alone, in the dark. jamming to songs to die to (because workouts are hard!). JUST playing. Majority of the time I am alone but I have some amazing teammates such as Sammy Nalley, Head Coach Fico Gomez and players from around the league that make sure I'm not being a NARP or a weak ass bitch.

What are your current training goals?
Couple things: Stay consistent and disciplined through tough times. Focus on getting a better source of macros and quality of sleep. If I can manage check those boxes with intentional hard effort my recovery and performance will follow like I need it to. .

What is your next upcoming competition?
July 6th in Orlando Florida. If you have not seen a grid match I highly suggest you do. No doubt you will be entertained and amazed by these athletes. Bonus points, you get to meet and watch me.

What are you most enjoying about prepping for your next upcoming comp?
That I get to open up the garage doors to the gym and listen to people order Dunkin Donuts all day as I yell obscenities and slam barbells. On a serious note, I feel my body sensing that competition is soon and it's time to buckle up and grind hard. This offseason is dramatically different from last year mentally but I gained a lot physically. I just need to balance everything out for when I need to peak.

What are your favorite hobbies outside the gym?
I have a 6 year old boy named Gunner who I have 50% of the time. My hobbies are teaching him "things boys should be doing" such as: Shooting BB guns, Fishing, playing sports, and wrestling around etc. Quality time I will never get back, and when you only get 50% of that it becomes my only priority.

Who inspires you?
You know this one is pretty tough to answer. I get inspired by a lot of the clients and athletes that put in the work in this gym. But if I had to pick just one person it would be my grandpa. He's 78 and has lived in Oahu,Hawaii his whole life. His favorite thing to do is take his boat out that he built himself and go fishing. He is in great shape and always has been. He has a great way of looking at life with good health and a purpose. Surrounding yourself with good company, being grateful and enjoying the little things life has for you.

What is your walkout song and why?
Same as my college wrestling walk out song. A day to remember- Downfall of us All. Competition is all the hard work simplified and the intro is just that. Gets the head bobbing, feet bouncing and the mind focused. LETS GOO!

If you had to pick three people to be on your team for the zombie apocalypse, who would it be and why?
Joe Biden- Because He will be gone first and spare me some time.
My brother Stevie- Purple heart recipient and bow hunter.
Joe Rogan- He can keep things very interesting.

What is the best piece of fitness advice you have been given or like to give?
Best piece of advice was to think of the time where you were all around in the best shape of your life. Physically, mentally, day to day mood, energy, nutrition, sleep etc. At any point in time where you felt like YES, I am a complete badass. That the closer you can stay near that with your body the slower you are moving towards death and the farther you move from it, the faster you're sprinting towards death. I also give this advice along with " Weak is Dangerous".

If you could live in one fictional universe, which would it be and who would you be?
HA! Reminds me of that family guy episode where they explore all the fictional universes and one of them being the Disney universe. I would be Maui from Moana. A jacked tattooed shape shifting islander with a giant magical hook. YUP! All day with that.

What is your favorite and least favorite type of workout?
Favorite type of workout is anything to do with PAP reps and being explosive. Heavy banded Clean pulls into Cleans or maybe something such as single leg banded lunges into single like box stomps and jumps. I like being an athlete and I'll train like that anyday. Least favorite would have to be anything swimming or running long distances. Which is funny because I plan on doing a triathlon sometime this year.

How long have you been using EFM products and how did you find us?
I have been a big fan since I saw CJ Cummings posting about it back in 2019-2020 maybe even a couple years before that. He lives in my county and wanted to support him and the more I kept up with the quality of the supplements and fantastic taste the more I fell in love with it. Also, during covid a friend of mine Madison mentioned how great some of the people are who run the company which is also a plus when it comes to supplements held at a high standard.

302 total reviews

Transcend Creatine

Sale price $39.99 Regular price $39.99
Transcend Creatine

What are your favorite EFM products?
By far Pumpkin Spice. I use it in my coffee everyday when I have it. Also, a HUGE fan of the strawberry protein and creatine. I use a ton of the products daily so it is very hard to pick.

353 total reviews

Strawberry Feels (Forever) Grass-Fed Protein

From $44.99
Sale price From $44.99 Regular price $44.99
Strawberry Feels (Forever) Grass-Fed Protein

What is your favorite supplement science?
That Creatine is extremely underrated for all athletes. Also sleep. I mean who doesn't want better sleep.

How do you want to be remembered?
This question can be very emotional or complex for me but here we go. I want to be remembered as the guy who cared about his family/friends as much as he cared about making an impact on helping others achieve health and fitness longevity goals. With life right now, family and friends supporting me through tough times is everything. Some you thought would be there and some who you did not and surprise you. Lastly, my son is the most important to me and I hope my impact on him far surpasses the man I am today. I will do everything a Dad can do to make sure he has the resiliency and strong minded mentality to achieve goals and block out the fakes. I love you bud!

Follow Nick on Instagram to support his journey.

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