Why Magnesium is Essential

Why Magnesium is Essential

This is the third article in our ongoing ZMA series. Click below to read the other articles:

  1. ZMA - The Basics
  2. ZMA - The Importance of Zinc
  3. ZMA - Why Magnesium is Essential
  4. ZMA - Vitamin C, Pantethine and Choline Bitartrate 
  5. ZMA - An In-Depth Look

    Another key ingredient in ZMA is magnesium. Magnesium is right behind zinc when it comes to being an abundant mineral in the body. Like zinc, every cell in your body needs this mineral. However, 60% of the magnesium in your body is actually found in bones. The rest can be found in your muscles, soft tissues and fluids. (1)

    So why is magnesium so essential?

    Well, it plays an important role in a number of biological functions. Some of its functions include:

    • Improves physical performance
    • Decreases blood pressure levels
    • Provides anti-inflammatory properties
    • Reduces risk of insulin resistance

    As it turns out, magnesium plays a role in over 600 different reactions in your body.

    Yep, you read that right, 600 different functioning parts in your body are affected by magnesium.

    Some of the main roles of magnesium plays a part in includes converting food into energy, creating protein from amino acids, creating and repairing DNA, helping muscles contract and relax and helping regulate different neurotransmitters.

    Improves Physical Performance

    There are several ways we can improve our physical performances in the gym, with one of those being increasing our magnesium. You see, magnesium has the ability to move blood sugar into the muscle which can help push out the lactic acid. (2) This allows our bodies to perform at full capacity that would otherwise be lacking if you were deficient in magnesium.

    Can Decrease Blood Pressure Levels

    While magnesium seems to have a positive effect on individuals with high blood pressure, it  doesn’t cause a decrease in individuals with normal blood pressure levels. In fact, one study found that individuals who took 450mg of magnesium per day experienced a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. (3)

    Provides Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Chronic inflammation can be directly correlated to the cause of most diseases today, being no secret that inflammation is harmful to your health. Yes, some inflammation can be a good thing as it is your body’s natural way of healing. However, too much inflammation is when you should start to be concerned.

    Supplementing with magnesium has been shown to reduce CRP. CRP (C-reactive protein) is a substance produced by the liver in response to inflammation. (4)

    One study in particular examined magnesium deficiency in young children. This study showed that the kids with the highest magnesium deficiency had the highest levels of the inflammatory marker CRP. (5) This shows a direct correlation between magnesium deficiency and inflammation.

    Reduces Insulin Resistance

    Unfortunately more and more individuals are becoming insulin resistant due to lack of proper nutrition and exercise (although this is not the only cause of insulin resistance). One can be considered insulin resistant if your muscle and liver cells don’t properly absorb sugar from your bloodstream.

    If you don’t get ahead of it, it could end up leading to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.


    What mineral plays a key role in this process?

    Yep, you guessed it -- magnesiumOne study found that consuming magnesium could actually reduce insulin resistance and blood sugar levels. (6)

    It’s clear that magnesium deficiency can cause you some serious problems for your health. While you may find it difficult to get enough through the food you eat alone, supplementing with ZMA Advanced can help. Follow along in our ZMA series to find out more about why our ZMA Advanced stands out from the rest.

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19359148
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24814039
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1764100
    4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12663588

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