As an athlete, a mother of 4, a mobility coach/yoga teacher and a volunteer, I wear many hats. This requires me to be up early (5 am) and maintaining many different levels of energy throughout the day. It can be taxing, but I think after being a mother for 17 years, a weightlifter for 10, volunteer for 11 and a yoga teacher for 5, I finally have it dialed into a manageable level. All this energy requires I take the best care I can of my body as well as stay engaged and in all of the various aspects of my life.
So, what does that look like?
How I Start My Day
I start my morning with a quick workout (pushups/sit-ups/good mornings/yoga etc.) which gets my body moving on the right path. As I am putting together the morning for my for kids (very busy ages from 12 to 17) I take my Earth Fed Essential vitamins, along with matcha, boab, and açaí.
After getting my kids off to school, I enjoy my personal time of the day, the gym! I have a shaker with EFM Watermelon Stammpede and Creatine as well as a scoop of Revival if I need a mid-workout pick-me-up. I spend 2 to 3 hours at the gym depending on if I am training athletes on their mobility, strength and flexibility, so Revival becomes an important part of the process.
After volunteering at the school library (I am a huge book nerd) I pick up the kids and start my trek as their personal driver delivering them to a million and one places; I have a thespian, a football player, a musician, and a busy high school junior who are all very social, so we are very busy. When night comes, I do a short yoga slow down routine, I read, drink Nocturnal and take ZMA, off to sleep, ready to do it all over again the next day.
How I Accomplished My Goals
This routine has been created over the years and has allowed me to achieve things that keep me feeling younger than my actual age. As a competitive weightlifter for years, I broke several National Master’s Records, broke California State Master’s Powerlifting records, became a certified yoga teacher for professional NFL players and all levels of practicing athletes.
My most recent opportunity has been an amazing experience being a competitor on The Titan Games earlier this year for which I received two hugs, two handshakes, and a conversation with The Rock; yes, he is exactly as inspiring as he seems.
Bottom Line
What’s the moral in all of this? I don’t know if I made it clear, but recovery is huge, and so is being proactive by moving and maintaining my body. I want to live a long long life and continue with the same intensity today for many years to come. That means I need to stay active, continue working on being functional and healthy and taking the right, healthy and clean supplements from Earth Fed Muscle that support that very important process. We have one body for life, so might as well make it a great place to live in while we are here!
Earth Fed Elite, Sandra Arechaederra