Our Evolution

Our Evolution

The company was changing, internal operations were improving, progress could be felt throughout each meeting as the company direction was heading toward something much bigger than we could have ever imagined. An overwhelming feeling that everyone can feel but no one can really put a finger on. One of those experiences when everyone seems to be on the same page without really acknowledging that indeed, everyone IS on the same page. 

This is a story about a unified message, a unified company --an evolution toward something positive! This is an evolution toward something much greater than just supplements. This is an active change. For your nutrition. For your training. For your life. 

The Beginning

At Earth Fed Muscle, one goal has always remained constant: the happiness and health of our customers. From the beginning, everything has been focused around providing our customers with the best possible product, the most unique packaging, the original logo created back in 2007 on a whim, and of course, the community. A community rooted in a life full of value, encompassing all things fitness, general health and genuine, loving people. 

Over the years we have had numerous roadblocks. As a young, financially strapped company, we had no formal training in customer growth and no formal training in running a damn business for that matter! 

But we knew what we wanted to do. 

Conquer any obstacle, be it external or even internally imposed and make the best damn method of recovery for our athletes, our friends and you, our valued customers. Our ideals and mission have not changed since the days we started in 2014. We have simply put our heads down and trudged forward, learning from our mistakes, learning from our customers, learning from the industry and continuing to make changes to each aspect of our company. 

The fortunate part behind being a grassroots company is the willingness to be dynamic, to attack every front possible and to learn the bare bones of every aspect of running an eCommerce endeavor. With positivity and open-mindedness and a little bit of time management, we are able to consistently try new things, see what fails, see what succeeds and achieve the ultimate result every company wants to experience: growth


Growth doesn’t just mean financial growth, growth means understanding the big picture, managing resources more effectively and heck, in our case growth even means running more productive meetings! 

We have always identified Earth Fed Muscle as a supplement company for people looking to better themselves in any aspect of life: whether it be physically, mentally, athletically, socially, even spiritually. Every person we encounter that says, “We have always wanted clean products that tasted good and were affordable,” those are the people we created this company for.

By consistently challenging our company practices, challenging our methods and questioning where we are heading, we came to a few key conclusions. 

Over the past year, we have slowly started to question some of the key parts of our company.

Is our logo marginalizing us as a company? Is it preventing us from reaching a larger constituent of people? Is our website easy to use? Does it get the message across? Are people able to get the “Earth Fed feeling” when they get to the site? Do they find that feeling when they receive our emails? Does our social media embrace Earth Fed Life? We want to grow a worldwide movement. We want to show that Earth Fed Muscle is much more than just a supplement company.

We hope to not only nourish you but to encourage you, inspire you, push you to new perspectives, improve any aspect of your life that you feel might be lacking. We are not just a supplement company -- we are a lifestyle. A movement. A movement that embodies our customers embody our lifestyle and it shows people how to take control of their lives and make their own effective choices toward positive change.

The Customer Comes First

Subtle differences make a big change. This is something we’ve realized over the years. As we’ve grown, we’ve looked for new ways to provide value to our consumers. Support groups of Facebook, challenges with encouraging prizes and us coaching you along the way, healthy recipes, articles, guides and more  -- all of this in hopes to create a powerful resource and tool for our customer. We want to support you as much as you support us. 

Where does this bring us as a company? 

With a pointed plan of attack, ideas bouncing around our minds like pinballs and motivation that is unparalleled, we decided to pick off a large number of improvements that had been looming over our heads for quite some time. Let’s start right at the beginning. The logo.

A New Logo

The logo is something we have all come to love, yet consistently we all felt it was limiting. For example, many people felt as though they may not fully relate to the brand because they weren’t entirely into Olympic weightlifting, or lifting at all for that matter. 

Some potential customers would question what the figures on the logo were meant to be doing such as the snatching figure. So that led us to the first step: to create a more inclusive logo. 

Something that in a short glance screams: strength, simple, spirit, lifestyle, health. Everything we hope to encompass. We engaged our customers, asked for feedback, studied some of our customer's other tendencies and finally we decided it was time to adapt the logo toward something that truly can define a lifestyle. 

That sparked the mountains. Strength, growth, conquering the unknown, that is what we want our customers to feel when they embrace Earth Fed Muscle. That brings us to the next project, new labels and even better products for our customer base!

Evolving Labels, Evolving Products

We all sat back and said, “Okay, our products are incredible. Arguably the best products on the market. How can we make them even better?” We started to do a deep dive into our previous research. We utilized our number one resource in agriculture, our in-house sustainable farmer, Brooks Miller. Brooks pointed us in the direction of Truly Grass-Fed Whey. 

This is a whey protein product Brooks had known to be sourced from grass-fed farms. We decided to spend over a dozen rounds of sampling to use Truly Grass Fed Whey to make sure our products were not only the best quality but also the best tasting! Our primitive protein wasn’t the only product we wanted to improve. We decided to create a new formula of Stammpede Pre-Workout with more nootropics, more caffeine, and two tasty new flavors. Our product line has continued to develop progressively. 

With the new products, we have enlisted a design firm to embrace our identity and communicate our ideals through our labels. We are a creative group, a progressive group, a company working for our customers to enable our customers to have the best possible experience and recovery they could ever hope for. Our design firm took all of that into account and displayed that identity onto the new artwork. 

They captured the creative mindset, the unique goals we hold for the company and even guided us to embrace creative names that fall in line with branded names such as “Witch’s Whey” and “Stammpede.” Names that are part of our identity and will continue to grow the brand to make it even more relatable and fun for our valued customers. This leads us to our social media push, a drive to use social media what it should be used for, support, positivity, social engagement and education. 

Earth Fed Evolutions

We started our Facebook support group, Earth Fed Evolutions, as a way to further generate a positive community experience. Over the last 2-3 years, we have captured content from our Earth Fed Elites, we have captured content from our owners and from our customers. While doing so, we felt that the social aspect was missing regarding our brand.

By including Earth Fed Evolutions, we have created a community, a place for our customers to congregate, share their stories, to share their struggles and to offer support and creative methods of change that will enhance their health and well-being!

The Root 

Then came The Root. A podcast is something we always had on our docket. We knew we wanted to use this platform as a way for customers to learn about our personalities as a company, to learn about our ideals and to even use as a guiding tool for customers to comprehend their own personal journey. Like our podcast, “The Root” evolves, so will the delivery of our message. We are consistently providing stories and hardships as teaching tools for the individual journey toward optimal health. 

Along with sharing these stories, we have brought on Olympians and world-class athletes to share their own personal stories of hardships. By hearing how others struggle in life, our listener base is able to learn from their own experiences and make positive adaptations to their schedule and habits.

Using Social Media For Good

Constant contact and positive guidance is something we take very seriously. As the social media world has continuously fallen down a downward spiral of selfies and viral memes, we wanted to use social influence in the best way possible. Our email campaigns have started to focus more on the results of our Earth Fed Elite, customers share their recipes for healthy eating with Earth Fed Muscle and we push those recipes to our mass customer base, making meal preparation and recovery even easier. 

Similar to the purpose of our Facebook group, Earth Fed Evolutions, we are making our Twitter and Instagram be a point of education and practicality. By consistent education and shared methods of nutrition, the Earth Fed community continues to grow and share their progress and support for others within the nutritional and health world! 

The Daunting Task of a New Website

The thought of reconstructing a website can seem rather overwhelming at first. But, it’s a necessity for the ease and flow of all the other moving parts. We also knew it would only enhance the customer experience even further through an upgraded and interactive website. Our new website will be simpler, easier to navigate and purchase the products that our customers love. 

This will be the marquee for our brand, the messages and ideals we stand by will be shared to help all customers find what is special for their own individual journey to live long and be strong. Recipes, stories, experiences and various other forms of constructive media will be present and easy to digest. Gone are the days of taking 15 minutes to find your favorite Earth Fed Muscle product! 

Challenges to Progress

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” - Henry Ford

As with every life-changing evolution, we have faced our own challenges as well. Challenges that we continue to embrace as a company to model that we are just like our customers. We are no stranger to the struggle. We struggle ourselves with schedule changes, organization, positive progress and even with improving our products. But where there is no struggle, there is no growth.

Our co-founder, Dane Miller has been involved in his own Earth Fed Evolution, striving to use a planner and organize his own life to enhance his own service as an owner and employee at Earth Fed Muscle while being able to spend more time with his family. 

EFM has had our own struggles, finding an elite website designer, finding the right products to utilize and continue to develop but as our message continues to develop, we embrace these challenges just as we want our customers to embrace their own personal struggles and challenges. 

Challenges are what make us stronger, not just as a company or as an individual but as a social force. Through challenge and perseverance, our company and customer base will continue to grow, continue to adapt through positive change and continue to improve their overall existence and impact on society. 

1 comment

Awesome work, all! Excited for the Evolution!


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